TANGERANG Head of the International Relations Division (Kadiv Hubinter) of the National Police, Inspector General Krishna Murti, revealed that so far there have been 6,000 Indonesian citizens (WNI) who have been rescued from the online scam network in Myanmar. However, there are some people who choose to stay there.

According to Krishna Murti, the reason they survived was because they had made great profits while working as online scam actors, although at first they were also victims.

"There are still Indonesian citizens who are in Myanmar and do not want to go home because some of them make a profit, even though they initially became victims," Krishna Murti told reporters at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tuesday, March 18.

In fact, Krishna Murti revealed that there were victims who had previously been sent back to Indonesia, but instead returned to Myanmar to work as online scam actors.

"We found that someone had been sent home, but instead left again for Myanmar," said Krishna Murti.

He suspects that the people who survive in Myanmar are involved as perpetrators in the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO) and act as operators in the online scam network.

There are perpetrators who claim to have received Rp500 million from only one victim in Indonesia through online fraud. If we average each perpetrator deceive five victims, then tens of thousands of Indonesians become victims of the online scam network operated from Myanmar," explained Krishna Murti.

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