"The perpetrators must be dealt with firmly and severely punished. They have killed the lives of three police officers who were carrying out their duties," Abdullah said, Tuesday, March 18.

If there are soldiers involved in the case, Abdullah continued, the TNI must take firm action against its members. He reminded that no party should cover up the case.

"The TNI should not be indiscriminate. Whoever and whatever the position is, if the TNI members are involved, they must be severely punished," Abdullah said.

The Central Java electoral district legislator also requested that TNI personnel involved in the shooting must be fired from the TNI membership, then processed criminally. According to him, no soldiers should attack the officers who are carrying out their duties.

In addition, Abdullah, TNI and Polri also had to investigate the use of weapons in the incident. Because the use of weapons should not be arbitrary. He said, should it be investigated whether the weapons used are official weapons belonging to the army or illegal weapons?

"We will submit the handling of this case to the Police and the TNI. Hopefully, the perpetrators will be arrested soon," Abdullah said.

On the other hand, Abdullah appreciated the quick steps taken by Korem 043 Garuda Hitam and the Lampung Regional Police who carried out a joint investigation into the shooting case. Officials, he said, must move quickly to handle the case.

"The perpetrators must be arrested immediately. They have dared to attack and kill the police," said the PKB politician.

Abdullah juga menyampaikan duka cita yang mendalam atas meninggalnya tiga anggota Polsek Negara Batin yang meninggal dunia.

Tiga anggota polisi yang meninggal dunia itu adalah Inspektur Satu (Iptu) Lusiyanto, Brigadir Kepala (Bripka) Petrus Apriyanto, dan Brigadir Dua (Bripda) Ghalib Surya Ganta.

"We are very concerned about the incident. Hopefully the bereaved family will be given patience," he concluded.

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