BANDARLAMPUNG- Lampung Regional Police (Polda) said the three policemen who died in Way Kanan Regency during a raid on the cockfighting gambling location during the autopsy process.

The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Regional Police, Kombes Pol Yuni Iswandari Yuyun, said that three policemen died at Way Kanan, now an autopsy is being carried out.

"The development of this case will continue after the autopsy," Yuni said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 18.

He revealed that the National Police were deeply saddened by the death of the Batin State Police Chief Way Kanan Iptu Lusiyanto, Bripka Petrus Apriyanto, and Bripda M. Ghalib Surya Nanta while on duty.

"So far the Lampung Regional Police and Way Kanan Police have provided support and assistance to the Way Kanan Police regarding the three members who died," he said.

Based on monitoring at the location, the bodies of the three police officers who died during the raid at the location of the cockfighting arrived at the Bhayangkara Hospital of the Lampung Police on Tuesday at 01.52 WIB.

The three were taken by three ambulances and went straight to the forensic installation of the Bhayangkara Polda Lampung Hospital for an autopsy.

Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Pol. Yuni Iswandari said that the three victims suffered gunshot wounds to the head by an unknown person.

Kombes Pol. Yuni explained that the shooting occurred when 17 Police personnel from the Way Kanan Police came to the cockfighting station on Monday (17/3).

When he was at the crime scene (TKP), he was immediately shot by an unknown person.

"From this incident, three Polri personnel died in duty. Then the Lampung Police focused on securing other members," he said.

As for the profiles of the three National Police personnel who died while on duty, Bripka Petrus Apriyanto was born March 16, 1985, Diktuk Bintara 2005, Naik Pangkat Bripka in 2019, the last position of Banit Binmas Polsek Negara Batin Polres Way Kanan.

Bripda M Ghalib Surya Ganta, SH lahit 23-February 2002, Diktuk Bintara 2021, the last position of Ba Satreskrim Polres Way Kanan.

Iptu Lusiyanto, SH was born 05 June 1972, Diktuk Bintara 1994. Dituk Perwira Pag in 2018, the last position was Ps Kapolsek Negara Batin Polres Way kanan. History of Dikbang last, Dikper perwira pertama dasar reskrim 2020.

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