Three policemen died while raiding the practice of cockfighting gambling in Karang Manik Village, Batin State District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung. All three died as a result of being shot.
The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Yuni Iswandari, confirmed the news of the death of the three police officers. Currently, the investigation process is underway.
"It is true that the shooting incident occurred," Yuni said in a statement received on Monday, March 17.
The three policemen who died were the Batin State Police Chief IPTU Lusiyanto, Bripka Petrus, and Bripda Ghalib. They were shot in the head.
Regarding the incident, Yuni did not explain in detail. It was only stated that the raid was carried out on Monday, March 17 at around 16.50 WIB.
At that time, there were about 17 police officers. Upon arrival at the location, an unknown person was immediately shot.
"Kronologically, 17 personnel from the Way Kanan Police Station came to the cockfighting station, while on the ID card they were immediately shot by an unknown person so that 3 personnel died in the task," he said.
Currently, the three members' bodies are on their way to the Bhayangkara Police Hospital in Lampung for an autopsy.
"The body is being evacuated to be taken to the Bhayangkara Hospital of the Lampung Police for an autopsy and now the Kapolda is heading to the TKP and now we are focusing on securing other members," said Yuni.
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