TANGERANG A number of Otobus (PO) companies at Poris Plawad Terminal, Tangerang City began to experience an increase in ticket prices by 100 percent ahead of the Lebaran homecoming flow.

PO worker PT Pelita Baru Perima, Isty, revealed that the increase in ticket prices in his place had been going on in stages since March 16.

"The increase is gradual, from the 16th (March) yesterday," said Isty when met at the Poris Plawad Terminal, Tangerang City, Monday, March 17.

Isty explained that ticket prices experienced a rapid increase when entering the D-7 Eid al-Fitr. For the destination of Yogyakarta or Jogja, ticket prices jumped from Rp. 200 thousand to Rp. 400 thousand. Meanwhile, the most ordered destination, namely Kebumen, Central Java, rose from Rp. 180 thousand to Rp. 420 thousand per person.

"Jogja from the normal of Rp180 thousand, currently Rp420 thousand," he said.

A similar statement was made by Rizal from PO Narendra. He mentioned that tickets in his company also experienced an increase in prices. The goal of Semarang to Ponorogo, East Java, for example, was an increase from IDR 550 thousand to IDR 770 thousand.

"It's different, there are each class. For Business Class, IDR 550 thousand is IDR 770 thousand. Class executives from IDR 320 thousand to IDR 480 thousand," explained Rizal.

Although ticket prices have soared rapidly, Rizal stated that tickets for Eid al-Fitr had been sold out since March 4.

"The March 28-29 date is full (over). The remaining 21-27 are 20-30 seats," he concluded.

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