YOGYAKARTA - Discussion on the revision of the TNI Law which is being carried out by the government and the DPR RI sparked a lot of debate in the community. The meeting was held behind closed doors on Friday (14/3) until last Saturday (15/3) at the Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta. So what are the main points of the revision of the TNI Law that have been highlighted by the public?

The revision of the TNI Law is targeted to be completed before the DPR recess on Friday (21/3/2025). As if it was speeding up, the revised plan was widely opposed or rejected by the public. Many parties criticized and considered that this revision had the potential to make ABRI's Dwifunction return.

Let us see what are the main points of the revision of the TNI Law which contains polemics and rejections from many parties.

The plan to revise the TNI Law will bring a number of changes, starting from the expansion of authority to the extension of the soldier's retirement age. The following are a number of main points highlighted:

Currently, the law regulating the TNI only allows soldiers who are still active to occupy positions in 10 ministries and civil institutions without the need to resign or retire. In the amendment to the regulation, the government together with the DPR added six new ministries or institutions that could be filled by active TNI members.

Additional in the revision of the TNI Law:

This change raises fears of ABRI's return to Dwifunction which has been abolished since the 1998 Reformation.

Other points contained in the revision of the TNI Law also regulate the change in the retirement age of soldiers:

The government considers that this retirement age extension is applied based on the increasing life expectancy and productivity of the Indonesian people.

Currently, the TNI is under the authority of the president in terms of deploying military forces and coordinating with the Ministry of Defense in the formulation of strategic policies. However, the revision of the TNI Law proposes that all TNI powers be fully under the coordination of the Ministry of Defense.

The revision of the TNI Bill received public attention after the proposed addition of tasks in military operations other than war (OMSP). Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Tubagus Hasanuddin, stated that in this revision, the number of tasks of TNI soldiers will increase from 14 to 17 types of non-war operations.

Hasanuddin explained that previously the TNI had 14 OMSP tasks, which included various strategic roles, such as dealing with armed separatist movements, rebellions, and maintaining the security of national vital objects. The following is the complete list:

In the revision of the TNI Bill, the number of tasks increased to 17, with additional roles in dealing with drug trafficking and cybersecurity. However, Hasanuddin emphasized that the involvement of the TNI in these two new tasks does not cover the aspect of law enforcement.

Those are the contents or points of the revision of the TNI Law that are being discussed by the government and the DPR. The plan to revise the TNI Law has been rejected or opposed by many parties because it is considered to have the potential to create ABRI dyafunctions. Also read also the revision of the TNI Law, strictly regulates the position of soldiers in the Ministry.

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