The potential for a fire in RW 02 Papanggo Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta makes residents restless. As an anticipatory measure, they asked the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to build an independent hydrant for residents of local settlements.

The residents conveyed this matter of procurement of hydrants to DKI Jakarta DPRD member Tri Waluyo who was visiting this area.

"We ask the Council to facilitate this because it is very urgent. There have been several fires in this area and many victims have been affected," said Head of RW 02 Papanggo Tanjung Priok Muhammad Kusnadi in Jakarta, quoted from ANTARA, Sunday, March 16.

According to him, three fires have occurred in their neighborhood and 20 families have been affected by the fire.

In fact, he continued, three years ago the fire that occurred here had an impact on 200 families.

He admitted that if a fire broke out, it was rather difficult to enter the densely populated location, so it was necessary to build an independent hydrant that could be immediately used by residents.

"We ask that this be realized immediately because when the fire broke out, it was very difficult to maneuver here," he said.

He said that coincidentally there was land owned by PAM Jaya in the location which was empty and not used for some time.

"We propose that this be built into an independent hydrant and a Child Friendly Integrated Public Space (RPTRA) so that it can be used for posyandu activities that are indeed constrained by locations," he said.

Meanwhile, DKI Jakarta DPRD member Tri Waluyo said he would facilitate this to PAM Jaya and also the DKI Jakarta Gulkarmat Service.

"The main focus of course must be land first and this is the first to be pursued," said a member of the DKI Jakarta Electoral III DPRD, namely Penjaringan, Tanjung Priok, and Pademangan.

According to the man who is called TW, if the land is available, it will only be submitted to the Gulkarmat Office for the procurement of independent hydrants in this environment.

"We will also coordinate with PAM Jaya so that this land can be used for the benefit of the greater community," he said.

He said this application appeared in the socialization of Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2018 concerning the distribution submitted to residents of RW 02 Papapanggo and in this activity there were several aspirations of the community that were accommodated to be realized.

There are several proposals that have been submitted at the plenary meeting of the DKI DPRD and some are being carried out so that they can be realized.

"This proposal will be accommodated together because the community's needs must concern the health and education economy," he said.

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