The East Jakarta Health Sub-Department found four takjil samples containing formaldehyde from examination of 375 food samples in a number of locations from 1-11 March 2025.

"We found takjil in the form of tofu, yellow noodles, risol, and martabak which were positive for the formalin. This sample is being tested for confirmation at the Labkesda," said East Jakarta Health Sub-dept., Herwin Meifendy when confirmed, Thursday, March 13.

This takjil examination has been carried out in Jatinegara Kaum, Jatinegara, Kayu Putih, Pulogebang, West Cakung, and Kebon Pala sub-districts.

This takjil check will continue to be carried out in other urban villages until the end of Ramadan.

Herwin asked business actors to commit to selling their merchandise that is safe for the public to consume.

The public must also be able to find out the characteristics of products that contain harmful chemicals.

"It is very important for us to ensure food is safe consumption and healthy," he said.

The East Jakarta Health Sub-dept. will also continue to educate traders to participate in ensuring that food or drinks sold do not contain formalin, bolax, methyl yellow, and rhodamin B.

Through takjil supervision and education carried out, the public will be free from substances that can endanger health. This takjil surveillance activity is routinely carried out during Ramadan in the East Jakarta area.

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