JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that defendants have the right to receive legal assistance in court. There is no prohibition on them using the services of any lawyer.
This was conveyed by KPK Spokesperson Tessa Mahardhika in response to Febri Diansyah who became the lawyer for PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto in the trial of the bribery case for the replacement of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) and obstruction of investigation. Febri is known to have served as the spokesperson for the anti-corruption agency in 2016 and resigned in 2020.
"The KPK cannot prohibit HK as the defendant from using the services of anyone to join his legal team," said Tessa in a written statement, Thursday, March 13.
Tessa also said that the KPK did not have a problem with anyone Hasto worked with to defend him. Because, the current focus is on proving the politician's actions.
"The focus of the KPK through the public prosecutor is currently preparing all matters related to proving the elements of the case charged to HK in the trial later," said the spokesperson with an investigator background.
As previously reported, Febri Diansyah, who is a former KPK spokesperson, is now one of the legal counsels for the Secretary General of the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto in the trial of the bribery case for the replacement of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) and obstruction of investigation. As a lawyer, he has considered his decision.
"If it is related to us entering the legal team, the trial process for this main case, of course there has been a discussion beforehand and we studied it first," said Febri at the PDIP Party Central Executive Board (DPP) office, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, March 12.
Febri assessed that Hasto had no role in the bribery case of former General Election Commission (KPU) Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan and obstruction of investigation of fugitive Harun Masiku.
In point number 25, for example, the indictment states that Hasto Kristiyanto gave IDR 400 million through Kusnadi to Donny Tri Istiqomah, which was eventually given to Wahyu Setiawan.
However, verdict number 18 with defendant Saiful Bahri, one of the convicts in the bribery case who is now free, stated that the source of the funds was Harun Masiku, not Hasto Kristiyanto.
"In the court decision that has permanent legal force for the 3 defendants, it is actually very clear that there was no role for Mr. Hasto that could then make Mr. Hasto be charged as the bribe giver," he explained.
"After we studied that, then we are quite sure that this case should be tested in detail and in detail in the trial process later," explained Febri.
The indictment hearing for the case that ensnared Hasto will be held in the Prof. Dr. courtroom. H. Muhammad Hatta Corruption Court at the Jakarta District Court (PN) at 09.00 a.m. Western Indonesian Time (WIB) on Friday, March 14. In addition to Febri, there are dozens of lawyers who are also prepared.
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