JAKARTA - West Java Governor Dedi Mulyadi stated that the construction of houses under or houses on stilts is a solution to overcome the problem of floods of subscriptions such as what happened in Karangligar Village, Karawang Regency.

However, said Dedi Mulyadi, a house on stilts was built for residents who were willing, and it was impossible for a permanent house that had been forced to become a house on stilts.

"So, for those who are willing, and of course follow the price we have," said Dedi Mulyadi as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 13.

Dedi said that the construction of the house on stilts for the community would involve more employers' participation.

According to him, the Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) Maruarar Sirait has many relationships to the business world.

Thus, continued Dedi, not only by the West Java Provincial Government, but many participating entrepreneurs built houses on stilts for residents who were flooded yesterday, especially for residents who are middle to lower economies.

For information, the construction of houses under or houses on stilts will be made under 2.5 meters high. Once flooded, residents do not need to bother to get wet. Just get off and use a boat for access to the road.

The Governor of West Java admitted that he had visited the location of the flood in Karangligar Village, Telukjambe Barat District, Karawang Regency, West Java.

He admitted that the relocation of residents living in flood-prone areas was difficult. Therefore, there needs to be another solution.

"The construction of houses under is a solution. The West Java Provincial Government will prepare the architectural design of the under house. It is hoped that residents can adjust when the flood arrives," he said.

In addition, Dedi also hopes to immediately realize the construction of the Cibeet Dam to overcome the overflow of the Cibeet River which often inundates Karangligar Village and its surroundings.

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