JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will investigate the involvement of former West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil or Kang Emil in the corruption case of PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten, Tbk (BJBR).
This was conveyed by the Chairman of the KPK, Setyo Budiyanto, when asked about whether Ridwan Kamil's role in the corruption case was being handled. This is because this incident occurred in the period 2021-2023 or when the chairman of the Golkar Party DPP served as governor.
The house of Ridwan Kamil has been searched by investigators on Monday, March 10. From this forced effort, investigators found documents and items allegedly related to the Bank BJB corruption case.
"Well, that will be specific from the investigation. Later, there will definitely be involvement or not, or only witnesses, or only internal BJB itself who do things that are not in accordance with the rules," Setyo told reporters at the ACLC KPK building, Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 12.
Setyo said this investigation would later be carried out when summoning Ridwan Kamil as a witness. However, he has not informed the exact time.
"It will definitely be (called, ed), (at that time, ed) yes, I will return it to investigators, that is technical matters like that. Investigators, directors of investigations, casantgas will determine according to their needs," he said.
Meanwhile, Ridwan Kamil has agreed that investigators will search his residence. He said this forced effort was in accordance with the rules.
"That it is true that we were visited by the KPK team regarding the case at BJB. The KPK team has shown an official letter of assignment," Ridwan said in a written statement to reporters, Monday, March 10.
Ridwan ensured that he would cooperate in following the legal process being carried out by the anti-corruption commission. "And fully support or assist the KPK team in a professional manner," said the former Mayor of Bandung.
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