JAKARTA - The search for the KRI Nanggala-402 submarine has been upgraded, from the submiss phase (lost) to the subsunk phase (sinking). This submarine carries 53 of the best Indonesian Navy personnel.
"I on behalf of the TNI Commander express my deep concern. We pray together that this search process can be carried out and can obtain strong evidence," said TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto at a press conference on Saturday, April 24.
The TNI commander explained that the Search and Rescue (SAR) operation had entered its fourth day since it was declared missing on Wednesday, April 21. Since the beginning, all components that have been deployed have been working as hard as possible to find the whereabouts of the submarine.
"The Indonesian Navy together with the Police, Basarnas, KNKT and friendly countries have tried their best to locate the KRI Nanggala-402," said the TNI Commander.
TNI Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto admitted that Saturday, April 24, was the deadline for live support in the form of oxygen availability for all ship crew members. However, until the deadline for live support, the ship's whereabouts could not be found.
Meanwhile, KSAL Admiral TNI Yudo Margono said that in the search process the KRI Nanggala-402 had found items, namely torpedo tube straighteners, cooler pipe wrappers, and orange bottles of submarine periscope lubricant. "We also found the tools used by the Nanggala crew for prayers and a sponge to hold the heat in the freshroom," he said.
"With the authentic evidence, at this time we signal from submission to subsunk," continued KSAL.
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