JAKARTA - Kenzha Walewangko's family (22) a student at the Fisipol University of Kristen Indonesia (UKI) who died in his campus area is still waiting for the autopsy results of the bodies that have not been released until now, Wednesday, March 12, 2025.

Even though the incident has occurred since one week ago, namely on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

After one week of the investigation process, but the autopsy results of Kenzha Walewangko's body have not been released. The victim's family continues to wait for the disclosure of Kenzha's death case.

"Hopefully the family will solve this problem quickly. The results of the autopsy will not be engineered, maybe the family's hope is like that," said Monica (20), the victim's cousin Kenzha Walewangko, to VOI in the UKI area.

Monica said the body of the late Kenzha Walewangko had been buried on Saturday, March 8, 2025.

"The body was buried last Saturday. The family ( Kenzha victim plans) will come here (Jakarta)," he said.

Kenzha's family, continued Monica, handed over the case to the police, namely the East Jakarta Metro Police, so that it could be investigated quickly.

"Just hand it over to the responsible party first. Seek justice and must be thoroughly investigated," he said.

It is known that the number of eyewitnesses in the case of the death of a Fisipol student at the Indonesian Christian University (UKI) named Kenzha Walewangko (22) continued to grow at the East Jakarta Metro Police on Tuesday, March 11, afternoon. Currently, the number of witnesses being examined is 23 people.

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