JAKARTA Commission III of the House of Representatives highlighted the alleged sexual harassment and pornography committed by the East Nusa Tenggara Police Chief AKBP Fajar Widyadharma Lukman. Member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Hasbiallah Ilyas, urged that the middle-ranking police officer be severely punished.

"This is an extraordinary serious crime committed by the police. Moreover, it was committed by a police chief who should have stood at the forefront of providing protection to the public, but instead committed criminal acts of sexual harassment against children and even sold them to pornographic sites," said Hasbiallah Ilyas, Wednesday, March 12.

Hasbi assessed that the Ngada Police Chief's crime sanctions should not be given any relief. Moreover, the act of abuse of minors was also recorded and sold to pornographic sites abroad.

"There is no room for forgiveness for crimes committed by the Ngada Police Chief. The National Police Headquarters must be severely punished and also fired because this is a dark record of crimes committed by the police against the public," said Hasbi.

It is known that the Ngada Police Chief's case began with the discovery of videos of sexual harassment of children aged 3 years, 12 years and 14 years circulating on Australian porn sites in mid-2024. Australian authorities searched the origin of the content and it was discovered that the video point was uploaded in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara and an investigation was carried out that led to the Ngada Police Chief.

On February 20, the Ngada Police Chief was arrested and immediately taken to the National Police Headquarters in Jakarta and until now the case is still being handled by the National Police Headquarters.

Hasbi emphasized that the National Police Headquarters must be neutral and independent in examining the Ngada Police Chief without any intervention from anyone.

"Searches about this case must be carried out to find out whether only the Police Chief is involved or there are other parties," he said.

He also asked the police to carry out strict supervision of all police to identify whether there is a potential violation of crime committed or not.

"Don't let this be like an iceberg that is only caught on the surface. I ask the police not to underestimate this crime case. Search to the roots and take firm action if there is a violation," he added.

Hasbi also asked children who were victims of sexual harassment to provide assistance to relieve the trauma experienced. The victim's family, he said, must also receive assistance so that they do not receive pressure from anyone to uncover this crime case.

"Children have the right to live better lives in the future. Assistance is needed so that they can rise from the trauma they are experiencing," he concluded.

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