JAKARTA - Saturday, April 24, is the maximum deadline for oxygen supply for the KRI Nanggala-402 after contact has been lost on Wednesday, April 21. The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) said that from the results of modeling ocean currents, it is possible that the KRI Nanggala-402 submarine was drifted eastward, into deeper waters.

"Judging from the results of the BPPT modeling it is a bit tugging towards the east," said Djoko Nugroho, Head of the BPPT Marine Survey Technology Center, quoted from ANTARA in Jakarta, Friday, April 24.

The modeling results include various aspects, including the factor if the submarine experiences engine failure, so it is conditioned if there is no power on the submarine, the ship is more or less adrift so that it follows the current.

"He (the ship, ed.) Died at the location of the loss of contact, he was adrift on the location, now he will be carried to the east," said Djoko.

KRI Nanggala-402 has a cruising range for sea depths of about 250-500 meters. "But even if it reaches 500 meters it will not take too long in my opinion because there the pressure can already affect the condition of the submarine's body," he said.

If the ship gets deeper into the ocean, the higher the pressure it gets. If the pressure received exceeds the compressive strength of the submarine, then what happens is the sea water enters the body of the ship so that the submarine can get heavier and more able to descend to the seabed and that will certainly be difficult.

Djoko said that if the ship slid to the east or to the southeast from the sea waters of the northern part of Bali Province, it was certain that the ship would fall into a deeper location, not just 700 meters but it could be deeper than 700 meters.

"But if, for example, this ship still has the potential to slide laterally and further inward if it goes east or southeast into the deeper Bali basin. But if it slides to the north or to the west it is getting shallower," he said. .

Unlike the Airplane Search

Djoko said that so far, he did not know about the information on the emergency condition of the ship whether it would issue a signal such as a plane crash to facilitate the search for the ship or not.

He received information read in the media that the submarine was not easy to find because it was a submarine not to be easily detected by "enemies" in the field of defense.

Until now there has been no progress on the results of the search for the submarine, but the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) and the team and parties involved continue to make efforts so that KRI Nanggala-402 can be found immediately.

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