SRAGEN - Sepat Village in Sragen Regency, Central Java Province has prepared a house as a quarantine location for travelers who are desperate to come to the village.

Not like a house in general. From the stories of the villagers, the house is closely related to mystical stories.

"We have prepared a haunted house for those who are desperate to go home. We have just cleaned up the community's cooperation, tomorrow it is ready for use," said Mulyono Village Head in Sragen, quoted from Antara, Friday, April 23.

Before operating, the village government will ask permission from the Sragen Regent, Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati. With this quarantine location, it is hoped that the villagers outside will give up their intention to return.

The government has indeed issued a ban on going home in 2021. However, reflecting on 2020, even though the ban was in effect, residents were still desperate to go home. In 2021, Mulyono predicts something similar will happen.

"I think there will be residents who will continue to go home, especially since many of the residents here have migrated to Jakarta and even outside Java," he said.

He said that during the 14-day quarantine the village government would provide food for breaking the fast and sahur for the travelers.

Meanwhile, regarding the existence of the haunted house, it is an old house that has not been used as a residence for a long time. He said that the building used to be a bag warehouse and it had not been occupied for eleven years.

Last year, a number of residents who were receptive to going home were put in quarantine. "They really give up. Apart from being afraid, there are those who claim to have been visited by a ghost that they have been afraid of all this time," he said.

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