JAKARTA - In the midst of public concern about the increasing spread of COVID-19. In fact, a handful of people use them to commit crimes.

This excuse was also used by a charity box thief who was caught in action at a mosque in the Petukangan area, South Jakarta, Thursday, April 9. This man claims to be a Supervisory Person (ODP) so that he is not judged by local people who have been emotional.

Kapolsek Pesanggrahan Kompol Rosiana Nurwidajati confirmed this matter. According to him, this man claimed to be ODP when the residents took him to the police station. Thus, residents who were previously emotional became afraid because they did not want to be infected.

"The person concerned said that he was ODP, but the point was that it was only an excuse so that the crowd would not take him and judge him," Rosiana told VOI, Sunday, April 12.

His recognition as ODP was proven only as an excuse because after being handled by the police, this man was immediately taken to the hospital to undergo a medical examination. As a result, the man tested negative for ODP.

In addition, from the hands of this man, money totaling around Rp.30 thousand was used as evidence. However, to prevent a similar thing from happening again, said Rosiana, her party appealed to the public to be more vigilant and immediately report to the police if there was an act of theft.

"If this happens, you should not take the law into your own hands, report it immediately because the police have SOPs to handle cases," said Rosiana.

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