SEMARANG - Police are investigating the death of a young man from Kendal Regency with the initials Y (25), who is suspected of having died as a result of abuse at a rehabilitation facility in Semarang City, Central Java.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Semarang Polrestabes AKBP Andika Dharma Sena said the case was already under investigation.

"It has been processed, 12 people have been arrested," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 4.

However, Andika did not explain in more detail the role of the 12 people who were arrested.

Meanwhile, from the information obtained, the incident began when victim Y was picked up at his house in Kendal by several rehabilitation center officers at the request of his family on Sunday (2/3).

The victim is suspected of having depression and has previously undergone rehabilitation at an orphanage located in the Tembalang area, Semarang City.

In the early hours of Monday (3/3), the victim was unconscious allegedly due to abuse.

The victim was rushed to Wongsonegoro Hospital in Semarang but his life could not be saved.

The victim is suspected of having been abused while at the rehabilitation center.

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