YOGYAKARTA - The government has again issued a policy to prohibit homecoming in Eid Al-Fitr 2021. This is done in order to reduce the potential for the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia. This means that people are prohibited from going home. As a follow-up to this policy, there are 16 Jakarta rat roads that will be guarded 24 hours by the police.

The Traffic Directorate (Ditlantas) Polda Metro Jaya will close the 16 rat roads from 6 to 17 May 2021.

"There are about 16 points of 'rat road' in the DKI Jakarta area and buffers," explained Director of Traffic of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo at SIM Satpas Daan Mogot, West Jakarta, quoted from Antara.

List of Jalan Tikus Jakarta that will be Guarded 24 Hours

Later, checkpoints will be built to inspect motorists crossing the road. The examination does not only apply to four wheels, but all types of transportation, including two wheels.

“Inspection and insulation are not only for four or more wheels, but also especially for two-wheeled travelers. It is also suspected that there will also be many who carry out homecoming using motorbikes, "he said.

There are 16 rat tracks in Polda Metro Jaya which will be closely guarded, namely in the jurisdiction of the Tangerang City Police with guarding points at Lippo Karawaci, Batu Ceper, Jatiuwung, Ciledug, and Kebon Nanas.

In addition, in the South Tangerang Police area, security will be held at Puspitek and Bitung. For the Depok City Metro Police area, security will be held in Cibinong, Jatijajar, and Jalan Raya Bambu Kuning.

Security will also be carried out in the jurisdiction of the Bekasi Police, namely in the city guarding the tepanya Sumber Arta, Garuda Statue, and Batar Gebang. Roads in Bekasi Regency are also under guard, namely in Cibarusah, Kedung Waringin, Setu, and Pebayuran.

Reporting from the tribratanews.polri.go.id site, Kombes Pol Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said that his party would guard and conduct an examination for 24 hours. If the driver is found to have no SIKM, then they will be asked to make a U-turn.

"Later here (the mouse route) will have a post. We will check everything that passes. If he does not have SIKM, we will turn back. We guard it for 14 days 24 hours," he explained.

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