YOGYAKARTA ' Manifested' is a term that is often encountered in the context of expedition services or goods delivery. The word is used as the status of the handling of goods. This article will provide a more complete explanation regarding the manifested status in the status of goods delivery.

Manifested is the word used in the expedition service information system which refers to the status of the package that has been registered and entered the logistics sending list. In other words, when the package owner finds that the package is in manifested status, it means that the package has been sent by the expedition and will take further action, namely delivery.

For example, when you track the package, the information "Package has been manifested" may appear. The information shows that your package has entered the official shipping list and is still in the early stages of the delivery process.

When the package is in this status, the expedition will usually stick a label containing information related to shipments.

However, in the field of shipping goods, said manifested, it also refers to a document containing important information. For example, documents contain information regarding the number of packages to be sent, the destination address for delivery, to the delivery time. There are also those containing a list of cargoes, passengers, types of payloads, and so on.

The manifested status will not just apply. There are several stages of process until the status is embedded in the package. Some processes that must be passed are as follows.

Each package to be sent contains information that must be entered into the delivery system as data. Obligatory information is inputted such as the sender's name, recipient's name, destination address, weight and package dimension, type of item, to the resi number for tracking.

If all data is complete, the logistics party will issue a manifest document containing a list of all packages that are planned to be sent. The issuance of manifest documents is needed to ensure that everything goes well. In the manifest document contains a lot of information such as the number of packages, address details, and delivery times.

If the manifest document has been issued, the expedition will validate by matching the package that will be delivered with the data recorded on the system. This stage is important to minimize delivery errors.

If the validation is complete, the package will begin to be sorted and grouped according to the delivery route or distribution area. The package is then lifted to the distribution warehouse or directly distributed by the courier.

If the goods are ready to be sent by the courier, the system will change the status of the package in the tracking system to 'Manifested' which means the goods are ready to be sent.

After that the goods are sent by the courier according to the specified route. The owner of the package is enough to wait until the package arrives at the destination address.

If the goods are successfully sent to the destination address, the system will record successful delivery and Manifested status to Deliver accompanied by proof of delivery.

That information related to manifested is the status of the delivery of goods. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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