Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment (Menko PM) Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak) Imin said the National Socio-Economic Single Data (DTSEN) had entered the refinement stage. Thus, the use and use of data becomes valid and accurate.

"Now we are focusing on improving and strengthening DTSEN. This improvement is urgent so that the use of DTSEN can be optimal. Complete, accurate, safe, and ready to be used," said Cak Imin after the Ministerial Level Meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for Community Empowerment, Thursday, February 27.

DTSEN will begin to be used on the basis in the second quarter or around April 2025.

Improvement and strengthening of DTSEN is carried out in two ways. First, formally through a bureaucracy that is tiered from local governments to the central level. Then, another way is by inviting community participation to become part of data updating.

"Synergy between the central and regional governments is very important to do, and ground checking is one of the efforts to improve and strengthen the DTSEN ecosystem. The involvement of regional heads to check active and valid public data is a concrete form of ensuring DTSEN is accurate," he said.

In an effort to prepare digital infrastructure, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture and the ministries and implementing institutions DTSEN agreed that all data would be integrated into one platform.

Later, the National Data Center will be home to all data whose security is guaranteed by the National Cyber Password Agency (BSSN).

On the other hand, Cak Imin emphasized that the accuracy of DTSEN is one of the factors to eliminate extreme poverty. Thus, the recipient of the aid is right on target.

"The target is extreme poverty to zero percent, and the accuracy of DTSEN is one of the key factors so that it can be realized," he said.

Cak Imin emphasized that DTSEN will revolutionize the nation's social and economic data systems. Therefore, the process must be ensured carefully so that its utilization can really be felt by the community.

"According to President Prabowo's directives through the president's instructions, we need to ensure that this DTSEN will become a single database in the distribution of various socio-economic assistance to the community. So that distribution can be right on target and effective for poverty alleviation," said Cak Imin.

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