JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Jazilul Fawaid assessed that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is a challenge for Indonesia in the future.

Therefore, Jazilul encouraged the government to immediately carry out the mandate in Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection (UU PDP) starting from ratifying derivative regulations to institutional establishment.

"Of course PKB encourages law related to personal data protection to be encouraged. Because AI also has ethics, there are ways, there is this so that no one is harmed," said Jazilul at the PKB DPP office, Central Jakarta, Thursday, February 27.

According to Jazilul, there needs to be provisions regarding the use and control of AI for all activities of the community and business entities in Indonesia.

"In the future, it will be difficult to distinguish between the original, the original and the product made by AI. This will also be even more confusing for the community. However, on the other hand, Indonesia must continue to encourage the internet network, the telecommunications network to be evenly distributed throughout Indonesia," said Jazilul.

On the one hand, Jazilul admitted that his party also plans to recruit young people who have the ability to operate AI or create programs related to strengthening parties related to AI.

"The daily chairman of PKB is an average of young people who are expected to be able to use digital technology, especially AI, in strengthening parties. Well, hopefully this will be a differentiation or advantage of PKB compared to other parties," he explained.

Today, PKB held a discussion entitled "AI vs Human, Future Industrial Revolution or Existence Threat?". This discussion is filled with speakers from the Chairperson of the PKB DPP for Trade and Industry Lukmanul Khakim, Managing Director of the World Foundation Fabian Bodensteiner, Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission I of the PKB Faction by Soleh, Director of Ethics and Management of CORIKA Nur Anis Handayati, and General Manager for Indonesia Tools for Humanity Wafa Taftazani.

In the discussion, the Chairperson of the PKB DPP for Trade and Industry, Lukmanul Khakim, said that currently AI's ability is at the level of ability to create programs. The presence of AI into two blades is beneficial for human life as well as a threat to traditional works that have been carried out by humans.

Therefore, Lukmanul assessed that it is time for people to use AI for business purposes, especially in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

"We encourage the strengthening of the AI ecosystem for MSMEs based on AI service. This is one way so that we can encourage the MSME sector to have superior value, which is more through the use of digital technology," he explained.

In addition, he continued, AI can also be used by humans for the benefit of trading and industry supply. Given, AI has the ability to read and analyze data.

"Because if we reflect on the defense industry, which is able to read threats from various security and defense sectors, it can be read. If he has the ability to decide something, he can suddenly attack. But if it is in the hands of humans, human control, it must be controlled and limited so that it is not wild," continued Lukmanul.

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