The Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Lalu Muhamad Iqbal threatened the crime of a number of individuals who claimed to be able to smooth out positions in the provincial government (Pemprov).
"I have said many times that my family and my core team are the people who most want to see me immediately implement meritocracy in the provincial government," said Lalu Muhamad Iqbal via his short message in Mataram, Antara, Wednesday, February 26.
In the action, the broker often displays photos of his togetherness with the Governor of NTB. Not just positions in the NTB Provincial Government. A number of these individuals also promised the position of principal in a number of regions.
Regarding the divergence of this position broker, Iqbal stated, if there were people who claimed to be family and the team sold positions on behalf of themselves, including the position of principal, he asked the public not to believe it.
"Report to us with complete evidence, because I will be criminalized on the basis of defamation," he said.
What about the presence of individuals who show photos with the Governor of NTB? Iqbal emphasized that so far he has never refused when invited to take photos of anyone. So, things that are commonplace are a lot of photos with many people.
"I take photos with everyone, including people who don't support me," he said.
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