YOGYAKARTA - The issue of globalization is an important topic at this time. This happens because globalization is considered capable of eliminating the culture or characteristics of a nation. Globalization seems to be able to break down the distinctive walls between one nation and another. Countries are not truly able to control their own territories because of connectivity between countries.

Definition of Globalization

The notion of globalization can be viewed from various sides. In terms of language, globalization comes from English. In the Oxford Advancer Learner Dictionary, globalization comes from the word global, worldwide; embracing the whole of group of items.

Hadion Wijoyo et al in his book entitled Marketing Management in the Age of Globalization (2020: 5) explains that globalization is a process of worldwide integration that occurs due to exchanges of world views, thoughts, products, and various other cultural aspects.

In simple terms, the meaning of globalization is the narrowing and acceleration of worldwide interconnection. The differentiation between countries, both in terms of territoriality and culture, is blurred. That is what makes globalization something controversial in the world of politics.

However, globalization cannot be completely bad. Tomlinson in Globalization and Culture (1999), says that globalization shortens the distance, so that humans can shorten the time in their activities. This means that globalization makes everything more accessible.

History of Globalization

It is not easy to determine when the globalization process will begin. Some experts argue that this phenomenon began to develop in the twentieth century, precisely when the international economy began to rise.

If we hold on to national economic events, globalization is likely to have its roots since humans became acquainted with trade between countries. Of course China and India are the countries involved in this movement.

Syamsulnani in the History of Globalization said that at that time, in 1000 and 1500 AD, the two countries had sailed in the ocean to trade.

Europe itself started trading because of the need for spices that were not available in their country. This made their trade lead to colonization in Asian and African countries, including Indonesia.

Trade followed by colonialism is considered to be the beginning of globalization. This phenomenon then led to the acculturation of culture, the economic system, and various attempts to support trade activities.

Impact of Globalization on Politics

The existence of globalization certainly affects various sectors of life, including in politics. Conceptually, politics guides people to world order, focusing on making laws as a reference for solving problems, security and order in the world system.

This then leads people to do their politics and it is carried out on various scales, both small and large, even globalizing. Then, what are the positive impacts of globalization in the political field?

Increasing Recognition of Human Rights

Every human being born in the world has human rights. This is considered a gift and must be respected by all people in various countries. This means that human rights are recognized globally, including political rights.

Establishment of a Political System

The political system is used to achieve the common good. This means that this system is deliberately created to create common goals in various fields. Indonesia also has its own political system. In its formation, the Indonesian people have the right to form the political system that they apply.

Creating Diplomatic Relations Between Countries

This relationship was created to establish cooperation between countries, both in the fields of politics, economy, culture and other aspects of the state. Increasing diplomatic relations are accompanied by the high flow of globalization.

Globalization does have a positive impact, but still has a negative impact. What are the negative impacts of globalization?

Foreign ideologies are increasingly easy to enter a country The country is increasingly losing its identity Nationalism is fading Freedom is getting more and more unlimited Legalizing various ways of politics Conflicts between countries are increasing

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