JAKARTA - During the COVID-19 pandemic. A number of countries have issued policies and regulations to prevent corona virus infection.

Self-quarantine rules until Lockdown have to be taken in order to keep citizens free from COVID-19. Recently the Irish government has asked its citizens to apply physical distancing to curb the rate of transmission of the coronavirus in their country.

The Irish government began implementing this policy since March 27. Not only in the form of an appeal, the Irish government will impose strict sanctions for those who are found to have violated and do not follow the rules for regional quarantine during the COVID-19 emergency response period.

Even though the weather in Ireland is currently sunny enough to hold the weekend holidays and Easter celebrations. However, Irish authorities are asking citizens to stay at home during the current COVID-19 condition.

Irish Police Commissioner, Drew Harris, said police patrols would be deployed to monitor the activities of its citizens. Moreover, many residents started to have parties at home.

“The rules make it clear that if you are in your villa or resting place now, you have to stay there. That's where you live now, "Drew Harris told the media.

"If you are thinking of traveling there, don't be. The trip to the Villa is not an important trip, we will be able to return you. Stay still," he added.

Description from Drew Harris was also confirmed by one of the hoteliers in the city of Lahinch, Michael Vaughan. He said that locals have seen a number of people visiting their villa secretly over the past weekend.

"We ask you to help us keep our village safe, guard our people from the coronavirus," said the owner of the Vaughan Lodge Hotel.

To enforce its policy, the police have started an operation that will last until Monday evening involving thousands of checkpoints. Presumably, there are about 2,500 officers involved to suppress those who violate the rules.

So strict was the rules, indiscriminately in the head of the Scottish Health Officer, Catherine Calderwood resigned on Sunday after breaking her policy by leaving her home and visiting her villa.

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