JAKARTA - A group of women from Depok and South Jakarta opened free food and beverage stalls on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, to be precise in front of the PT Indosat Headquarters building, Monas Horse Statue Area, Central Jakarta on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
Free food stalls are devoted to students and female students participating in the "Illicit Indonesia" demonstration in front of the State Palace. The food stall was opened at around 15.30 WIB.
Uniquely, this free food comes from the collective results of the mothers who support the actions of the students.
They considered that they could not participate in demonstrations, so to support these activities they were willing to prepare free food.
"We are from our respective homes. We are actually just mothers. Then because we saw today's brothers and sisters want to demo. We want to donate, but all we can donate is just food. So we come here to bring food, encourage the younger siblings," said Nada, one of the mothers who volunteered for free food to VOI at the location.
Nada said that although he wanted to join the demonstration, his age was no longer possible.
"We can't afford to be there (at the demonstration), so we can afford to give them food. Support this activity," he said.
Nada admitted that he agreed with the 9 demands brought by students from BEM SI in today's Indonesia Dark action.
"Yes (resah with the current state condition)," he said.
Nada opens free food stalls with 5 other fellow mothers. He had planned to distribute free food to student demonstrations since Wednesday, February 19, evening.
"Take drinks, fruit and food. So we can each. Can bring what we bring here, to be given to the younger siblings. We bring each, collected into one," he said.
Nadas do not collect any donations from outside. The distribution of free food is purely from his personal pocket.
"We bring each of them. This is from Depok and South Jakarta. We meet in the middle. There are 6 people including me," he concluded.
The All-Indonesian Student Executive Board Alliance (BEM SI) held the peak of a demonstration with the theme "Illegal Indonesia" in the Monas Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta on Thursday, February 20 at noon.
This action is a continuation of the previous action in the Parung Kuda Monas area, Central Jakarta on Monday, February 16, 2025.
In today's peak action, BEM SI brought 9 demands to the government which will be submitted in front of the State Palace in the action of Dark Indonesia, namely:
1. Review Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2025 concerning Expenditure Efficiency in the Implementation of the State Budget and Regional Budget for Fiscal Year 20252. Transparency of the status of community development and taxes3. Massive evaluation of the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program4. Reject the revision of the Draft Law on the fourth amendment to Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mineries or the Minerba5 Bill. Reject TNI6 dualization. Pass the Asset Confiscation Bill7. Improve the quality of education and health nationally 8. Reject impunity and complete gross human rights violation 9. Reject Jokowi's tweet in the Prabowo government
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