JAKARTA - Along with the period of regional quarantine and lockdown in the UK, as a precautionary option to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The number of positive cases of COVID-19 infection has gradually decreased.

In fact, the British Government has just undergone a lockdown policy for the last two weeks. The results, scientists from Kings's showed a significant reduction in the number of positive patients with COVID-19. The data is summarized from a sample of two million people, through the COVID-19 tracing application in the UK.

Launching the Reuters page, the level of symptoms of COVID-19 has reportedly decreased significantly in recent weeks. The proof, can be seen from the latest figures showing about 1.4 million people in the UK with ages between 20 and 69 years. Currently has COVID-19 symptoms which are down from 1.9 million as of April 1.

If you look at it, it's because some of them have recovered and fewer people are reporting new symptoms. in fact, it could be that the longer the lockdown is imposed, as long as the number of COVID-19 patients who are hospitalized and die can decrease.

King's College research lead scientist Tim Spector said the signs of symptom reduction in people in Britain were encouraging. "Although hospital admissions and deaths are still rising, we hope these figures will provide the light needed to take action."

Spector also said that in the data collected, it also shows that big cities in the UK such as London, Birmingham, Glasgow and Liverpool continue to have very high levels of COVID-19 symptoms in the community. For that, he feels the lockdown must be continued in order to apply physical distancing.

Interestingly, this analysis from the King's College London comes after researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine published their research results regarding physical distancing that has started to work and is able to reduce the number of daily contacts between people.

Just like other countries, the UK has from the beginning implemented strict physical distancing along with the closure of shops and schools. Moreover, two weeks ago a policy in the UK began to limit access with a lockdown as a form of resistance to COVID-19.

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