JAKARTA - The regulations regarding the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) to fight the COVID-19 pandemic are considered complicated. How come. A regional head must make a submission first to the Minister of Health (Menkes). Then, the Minister of Health forwarded the request to the Chairperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo to determine the status.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) rejects the long line as being a convoluted route. According to him, the central government only wants all decisions to be made not rushed and carried out with caution.

"This is very important. For us, we do not want to decide that it is messy, fast but imprecise. So it is better if we decide this by calculation, with clarity and detailed and in-depth calculations," Jokowi said in a press conference broadcast on his account. YouTube Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, 9 April.

Before taking the decision to allow PSBB in the regions, said Jokowi, the central government would consider various aspects, such as the number of corona virus cases, support for local resources, as well as economic, social and cultural considerations.

This consideration was taken considering that the stipulation of the policy would have an impact on community activities, from closing schools to offices. So, not all regions can then adopt the social restriction policy.

"The implementation of this PSBB is not carried out uniformly throughout Indonesia, but we want to see the conditions of each region," he said.

Until now, only DKI Jakarta has obtained a permit to implement Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). In submitting this policy, the application submitted by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan was returned by Minister of Health Terawan.

The reason was, at that time the administration submitted by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government was incomplete, so it had to be completed first. After correcting the files, Terawan signed the application and Jakarta was ready to implement the PSBB on Friday, April 10.

When an area has received the PSBB status, they can then carry out school and work vacations, restrictions on religious, socio-cultural activities, activities in public places or facilities, restrictions on transportation modes, and other activities specifically related to defense and security aspects.

School and workplace vacations are exempted for strategic offices or agencies that provide services related to defense and security, public order, food needs, fuel oil and gas, health services, economy, finance, communications, industry, export and import, distribution, logistics, and other basic necessities.

Restrictions on places or public facilities are exempted for supermarkets, minimarkets, markets, shops or places for the sale of medicines and medical equipment for food, staple goods, essential goods, fuel oil, gas and energy.

Restrictions on transportation modes are exempted for passenger transportation modes, both public and private, by taking into account the number of passengers and maintaining the distance between passengers, as well as modes of transportation of goods by taking into account the fulfillment of the basic needs of the population.

Apart from Jakarta, there have actually been several other areas that have proposed the PSBB, such as Depok City, Bogor City and Regency, Bekasi City and Regency, Tangerang City and Regency, and South Tangerang City.

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