JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) as well as Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment (Menko PM) Muhaimin Iskandar encourages Hajj organizers to build or hold temporary shelters in the form of hotels and condominiums in Mecca. The building, called Cak Imin, will become a valuable and productive asset.

"If there is money, you have to buy a hotel in Mecca and Medina. Buy a hotel, and become an asset of the implementation of the Hajj every year. Buy a hotel or build a condom, or build an apartment, or whatever, which allows the assets to be more productive," said Cak Imin in a speech at a public discussion entitled 'Revision of the Law on Hajj and Umrah' in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 19.

According to him, in organizing the Hajj, the preparation stage must be carried out optimally by related parties. That way there will be no bad things that will be explored by the pilgrims.

Cak Imin admitted that he had also experienced bad things when he was a Hajj supervisor. He had to wait for several hours to return to his homeland.

"This mandate is important because we understand very well that the implementation that we carry out every year always takes victims, has Hajj, Hajj again, there must be problems that actually repeat itself. Whether in Mina's tent, whether at arofa, whether in delayed transportation, I have to wait almost 2x24 hours at the airport," he said.

"A very, very complicated experience even though the costs incurred are fair market prices, because market prices mean that the services are also market standards, which are on time, which are well-planned. And various things that we need to prepare carefully so that all Hajj implementations can be solemn, can bring the comfort of our congregation," continued Cak Imin.

Moreover, the additional quota for congregations of an average of 10 thousand continues to occur every year. Therefore, organizers should not pretend they don't know which has a lack of maximum preparation.

"The number of pilgrims who continue to increase, especially every year get an additional quota of an average of 10,000, every year get an additional quota of 10,000, never again because they get an additional sudden temple, pretending to be tight of time. It is clear that every year there are usually 10 thousand places, it must be planned properly, so that if 10,000 later get it again, everything is planned appropriately. Now, this sudden temple that makes us chaotic, must be narrowed because the number of additions is so large, the amount is 10 thousand," said Cak Imin.

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