JAKARTA - The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) will immediately hold a coordination meeting following up the issuance of a Presidential Decree (Keppres) regarding Indonesia's nominating committee to host the 2032 Olympics.

Sesmenpora Gatot S Dewa Broto said the initial coordination meeting would be held with the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) as the executive chairman of the nominating committee.

"Soon there will be a team meeting to ensure urgent activities must be carried out because as of one month since the (Keppres) is stipulated, there must be a report to the steering committee," said Gatot via text message reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 21.

"(The meeting) is expected as soon as possible. It depends on the team leader. We have coordinated directly, "he added.

President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Decree number 9 of 2021 concerning the Establishment of the Indonesia Bid Committee for the 2032 Olympic Games (INABGOC) which was set on April 13.

The INABGOC director is chaired by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia and assisted by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) as Deputy Chairperson.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Youth and Sports assumed the position in charge of INABGOC, and the chief executive was led by the Chairman of the KOI.

Coordination with KOI and teams from several Ministries/Agencies was carried out to formulate a strategic plan or road map for the preparation of Indonesia's candidacy as the host of the 2032 Olympics, including conducting promotions and compiling a bid proposal.

Indonesia has the opportunity to become the first Southeast Asian country to host the Olympics. In order to smooth this step, the Indonesian Olympic Committee has also conducted a pre-bid process to the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

On February 3, KOI presented the feasibility of Jakarta as a candidate to host the 2032 Olympics to the IOC Future Host Commission - the commission responsible for hosting the Olympics.

According to KOI Chairman Raja Sapta Oktohari, Indonesia is currently in a status of continuous dialogue, which means that further talks will be held between the IOC and Indonesia towards the bid to host the 2032 Olympics.

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