JAKARTA - Sad news came from the Democratic Party. The General Treasurer of the Democratic Party DPP, Renville Antonio, died in an accident in Situbondo, East Java.

The news was conveyed by a senior Democrat politician, Andi Arief, through his tweet on his X account on Friday, February 14.

"Just hearing the news, Renville Antonio, the General Treasurer of the Democratic Party died in an accident in Situbondo, East Java. We are sad," Andi wrote through the X account @Andiarief.

In addition, the news was also confirmed by the DPD Democrat Jakarta. In the Instagram social media account @demekramenhi, the party expressed its condolences for the death of Renville.

"His loss is a very deep loss for all of us. Hopefully the late Bang Renville Antonio husnul khotimah. We testify that he is a good person," wrote the account @demokrapri.

Last year, Renville Antonio earned a doctorate in the Postgraduate School Human Resources Development Study Program (PSDM) Airlangga University after maintaining his dissertation in an open exam at the local campus at the end of October 2024.

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