JAKARTA - The Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions (Kemendes PDT), Yandri Susanto, guarantees that the honorarium for village assistants for up to 12 months remains safe even though the institution is affected by budget efficiency of IDR 722.7 billion. He asked village assistants not to be confused by cutting this budget.
This was said by Yandri in a joint working meeting with Commission V of the DPR and partners at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 12.
Yandri said the Kemendes PDT was asked to streamline a budget of Rp1,034,396,000,000 from the original ceiling of Rp2,192,387,697,000. So that the effective ceiling of the institution becomes Rp1,157,991,697,000.
However, after a meeting with the Ministry of Finance, the Kemendes PDT received an efficiency of IDR 722.7 billion from the original ceiling of IDR 2.1 trillion. So that the 2025 budget decreased to IDR 1.4 trillion.
"We conveyed that the chairman, on Tuesday, February 11, 2005, a coordination meeting was held between the Ministry of Villages and Development Disadvantaged by the Ministry of Finance. Based on the results of the coordination meeting, it was agreed that the reconstruction of the Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions in 2005 would be IDR 722,731,521,000, the allocation that could be used was IDR 1,469,656,176,000 with details of pure rupiah of IDR 1,451,046,304,000. Foreign grants amounted to IDR 18,609,872,000," said Yandri.
Based on the letter of the Minister of Finance number S-37/MK.02/2005, the efficiency of spending on Ministries/Institutions in the implementation of the 2005 state revenue and expenditure budget from the Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions is IDR 2,192,387,697,000, the efficiency amount is IDR 722,731,521,000 or equivalent to 32.97 percent.
"So this is for the salary of the village assistant, sir, which was reconstructed," said Yandri.
Yandri said the Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions had identified the details of efficiency in budget spending group items. In accordance with the letter of the Minister of Finance, the expenditure post that was not saved was salary expenditure of Rp. 251,115,147,000 with foreign grants from the World Bank for this program amounting to Rp. 18,609,872,000.
Meanwhile, other expenditure items are carried out with efficiency that meets budget savings of IDR 722,731,521,000, including from the accompanying honorarium expenditure.
"So this is the chairman, the village assistant can be paid 10 months but God willing, 12 months will be safe. We will fight for it for a complete of 12 months," said Yandri.
"So village assistants don't have to worry about not being complete in the last 2 months," he added.
Yandri added that the unblocked accompanying honorarium of Rp931,777,933,000 to meet the lack of accompanying honorarium for one fiscal year will be proposed back to the Minister of Finance.
"So the lack of approximately 3 months, chairman. So I repeat, we will propose later and once again, we convey that in this open program, village assistants do not need to be confused, God willing, it will be safe," he concluded.
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