The Javanese language Krama Inggil, as the most subtle form of Javanese, has an important role in formal communication and shows respect for the interlocutor.
In the context of introduction, the proper use of Krama Inggil will create a polite impression and respect the noble traditions of the Javanese people. This article will discuss examples of short and formal introductions in the Javanese language of Krama Inggil.
Sugeng enjing/siang/sore, Mr/Mrs. Sedaya. Introduction, the name of the Kula Fandy Kampleng. Kula Semir SEO ing PT Digital Siber Indonesia. The presence of kula ing pmiki punika kanggo nindakakken in the company's comparative study. Kula ngarep-arep saged donated lan makarya together with Kaliyan, Mr/Mr. ing, the ingkang badhe puzzle project. Matur nuwun sanget dhumateng wekdal lan perhatian Bapakli/Mr.
Translate it:
Good morning/sore, ladies and gentlemen. Introduce, my name is Fandy Kampleng. I'm Senir SEO at PT Digital Cyber Indonesia. My presence here is to conduct a comparative study of the company. I hope to contribute and cooperate with you in future projects. Thank you for your time and attention, ladies and gentlemen.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, leave Dear Mr/Mrs, saha kanca-kanca Sedaya. Kula Alfinandana, satunggaling student sakit Ahmad Dahlan University majoring in Indonesian Literature. Ingga kesempatan punika, kula Badhe menyampaikan bilih badhe intern, ingkang dados part of the campus curriculum. Salajengipun, kula ugi sanget enthusiastically kangge sinau dian ngenggunken diri ing bidang punika. Matur nuwun dhumateng opportunity ingkang dipunparingaken.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Dear Mr/Mrs, as well as friends. I am Alfidana, a student from Ahmad Dahlan University majoring in Indonesian Literature. On this occasion, I would like to convey that I want an internship, which is part of the campus curriculum. In addition, I am also very enthusiastic about learning and developing myself in this field. Thank you for the opportunity given.
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Sugeng dalu, Mr / Mrs. Sedaya. Respectful Kanthi, kula Farid Anshori, Mandor ing Digital Cyber. Kula is also in the field of writing articles in conjunction with 30 years, and there is no experience of lifting website traffic. Kula is present ing mriki kangge nawakaken services SEO, kanthi ngangajeng-ajeng saged to build cooperation and visit positive contributions. Matur nuwun dhumateng is the presence of the attention of Mr/mother.
Good night, ladies and gentlemen. With respect, I am Farid Anshori, a Mandor on Cyber Digital. I have been working in the field of writing articles for 30 years, and have experience in increasing website traffic. I am here to offer SEO services, in the hope of establishing cooperation and making a positive contribution. Thank you for your presence and attention, ladies and gentlemen.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Mr/Mrs. Sedaya. Kula Ijat Tsakopi saha kulawarga, nembe kemawon pindhah inggriya number 001 ing Jalan Lelemen. Kula asal satking Lamongan. Kula nyambut damel dados General Manager PT VOC, dene garwa kula nyambut damel dados pharmacis. Kula kagungan putra satanggal ingkang asma Muhammad Ijt. Mugi kula saged dados bagean satking community menika lan sagged melu and ing activities of ing environment menika. Matur nuwun dhumateng pambagenipun.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Ijat Tsakopi and my family, have just moved to house number 001 on Lele Way. We come from Lamongan. I work as General Manager of PT VOC and my wife as a pharmacist. We have one child named Muhammad Ijt. We hope to be a part of this community and participate in activities that exist in the environment. Thank you for the welcome.
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