He is considered to have obstructed the appointment of the Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto as a suspect in the bribery case for the management of interim replacement (PAW) members of the DPR RI. Praswad said that this statement was based on the facts revealed by the KPK Legal Bureau Team in a pretrial hearing against Hasto.
"If the evidence has been fulfilled based on the facts of the trial, it must be followed up by issuing a new investigation warrant on the suspicion that Firli Bahuri refused to determine the additional suspects and even replaced the investigation team," said Praswad in a written statement quoted on Tuesday, February 11.
Praswad accused Firli of replacing a team that carried out a hand arrest operation (OTT) to the end of fugitive Harun Masiku because he thought they could not be regulated. This retired National Police is believed to have secured a certain figure so that he is not entangled.
Not only that, the KPK must also determine the parties that hinder the silent operation at PTIK. As for the trial, the name AKBP Hendy Kurniawan was revealed.
"KPK must immediately identify suspects against all parties who hinder the implementation of OTT both during the incident at the PTIK Mosque and during the process of transitioning investigations to internal investigations by the KPK, especially in elements of the KPK leadership," he said.
As previously reported, Hasto's pretrial hearing at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) continues to run until today, Monday, February 10. The agenda is the examination of witnesses or experts from the KPK as the respondent.
Praperadilan diajukan karena Hasto tak terima ditetapkan sebagai tersangka. Ia terjerat dalam kasus suap pengurusan pergantian antarwaktu (PAW) anggota DPR RI bersama Donny Tri Istiqomah yang merupakan pengacara dan kader PDIP.
Registered lawsuits with case number 5/Pid.Pra/2025/PN JKT.SEL and Djumyanto act as sole judges.
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