The public prosecutor in the follow-up trial of defendant I Wayan Agus Suartama (IWAS) alias Agus at the Mataram District Court, West Nusa Tenggara, presented a fact witness, namely the owner of the inn who was suspected of being the victim's place of immoral treatment.

Spokesperson for the Mataram District Court Lalu Moh. Sandi Iramaya after the fourth follow-up trial Agus said the owner of the inn with the initials IGLBS was present along with three other fact witnesses.

"So there were four fact witnesses presented by the public prosecutor in the trial of the four defendants IWAS. Apart from IGLBS, there were also employees of the inn with the initials IWK and two others from the victim's companion, from legalists, legal assistance," Sandi said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 10.

Regarding the material for examining fact witnesses from the public prosecutor, Sandi said that his party could not disclose it to the public considering that the trial took place behind closed doors.

He only ensured that the fourth trial to examine four fact witnesses since 11.00 WITA was completed at 19.00 WITA.

With the end of this fourth trial, Sandi said that the agenda for the follow-up trial is still related to the examination of fact witnesses from the public prosecutor. The panel of judges determined that the fifth trial would take place on Monday (17/2).

"For anyone who is presented with the agenda next week, the public prosecutor has not yet conveyed it. What is clear is that from this fourth trial there have been nine of the 15 witnesses examined at the trial," he said.

The total number of witnesses included in Agus' indictment is 15 people. They consist of fact witnesses and experts.

"Of the 15 witnesses, four of them are expert witnesses," he said.

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