JAKARTA - The Ministry of Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (KP2MI) reported that the bodies of two Indonesian crew members who were victims of a fishing boat accident in the waters near Jeju tourist island in South Korea were repatriated to their area of origin, Sunday.
The two bodies of the crew were identified as Agus Muslim (34), a resident of Kapetakan, Cirebon, West Java and Moehammad Farukeffero (44), a resident of Arosbaya, Bangkalan, East Java (East Java).
"For the two bodies of the crew members, we will immediately hand them over to their respective families today," said KP2MI Empowerment Director General MohFachri in Tangerang, Sunday.
He explained that the repatriation of the two crew members through the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) in South Korea was flown to the country via the Soelarno-Hatta International Airport (Soetta) flight in Tangerang, Banten, arrived at around 17.45 WIB.
Of the two bodies, one of them has now been returned and handed over to the deceased's family, namely on behalf of Agus Muslim (34), a resident of Kapetakan, Cirebon, West Java with departures at 18.00 WIB.
Moehammad Farukeffero's body (44), a resident of Arosbaya, Bangkalan, East Java (East Java) will be handed over directly to his family tonight which is directly handled by the local BP3MI.
"KP2MI has gone through BP3MI Banten and has coordinated with BP3MI Central Java to ensure that all the bodies return to their families' homes," he said.
He said based on information from the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul, South Korea that the body of an Indonesian crew member was part of the findings of the evacuation team for the fishing boat accident on the tourist island of Jeju.
At that time, 10 crew members were reported missing and then seven of them were found safe, two died and one is still being searched.
"In the two ships there are 10 PMI ABK statuses, of which three are on board and seven are on the Man Seo Kho ship. Then from 10 crew members it was reported that seven people survived, two people died and one has not been found," he said.
Until now, the Indonesian government through the Indonesian Embassy continues to coordinate with the South Korean government through a search and rescue team to seek a search for one crew member who was missing due to the sinking of the fishing vessel.
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