JAKARTA - The National Awakening Party (PKB) strongly protested that the name of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) KH Hasyim Asy'ari was no longer published in the Indonesian History Dictionary Volume I made by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud).

PKB asked Kemendikbud to immediately correct and audit the procurement of the textbooks. If necessary, the Ministry of Education and Culture will immediately withdraw the Indonesian History Dictionary Volume I from circulation so that it is not qualified by scholars.

"I am worried that the Ministry of Education and Culture is being infiltrated by the anti-Pancasila sect. Because lately there have been many strange incidents. Pak Nadiem also has to remind his subordinates. Remember Green Coat, Never Eliminate Ulama Services, you will be qualified!" Said the Deputy Chairman of the DPP. PKB, Jazilul Fawaid in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 20.

Again creating controversy, Jazilul questioned Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim about the future of the nation's children.

"Pak Nadiem, where do you want to take the character education and identity of this nation? This nation was founded by heroes, don't try to lose their services," continued the Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Commission X DPR Syaiful Huda appealed to his commission partner to immediately withdraw the Volume I Historical Dictionary for revision.

"We hope there will be content improvements or revisions before it is re-published and used as a teaching material for history subjects," said Huda.

The PKB politician admitted that it was strange, on the cover of the History Dictionary Volume I made by the Ministry of Education and Culture, there was a picture of KH. Hasyim Asy'ari, but there is no explanation about the progress of his struggle in his dictionary.

"It is even stranger that there are names of other figures that are included in this dictionary, including the names of Dutch Governor HJ Van Mook and Japanese military figures Harada Kumaichi, who are seen as contributing to the process of forming the Indonesian state," said Huda regretfully.

Another irregularity, namely the names Soekarno and Moh. Hatta was not included in the special information even though it was included in the explanation at the beginning of the dictionary. With the format of a dictionary compilation that includes characters who play a role in the formation and development of the country alphabetically, said Huda, there is no reason the names Soekarno and Hatta were not included.

"In fact, there are names of figures whose contributions to the formation and development of the nation are not clear, which are included in a special entry to describe their personal backgrounds," he said.

Previously, PKB Secretary General Hasanuddin Wahid also regretted that the Ministry of Education and Culture's 'carelessness' included the names of figures in the history book.

"PKB strongly protested because KH Hasyim Asy'ari was not written in the Indonesian history dictionary published by the Ministry of Education and Culture's Directorate General of Culture, while Abu Bakar Ba'asyir was arrested by the state," said PKB Secretary General Hasanuddin Wahid, Tuesday, April 20.

Hasanuddin is surprised that the national hero and founder of NU is not recognized by the books published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Meanwhile, figures who are considered to be supporters of radicalism even have a place in a book published by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

"There is something strange with the Ministry of Education and Culture today," he added.

Regarding this issue, the Director General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education and Culture Hilmar Farid said that his party admitted that he always relied on the thoughts of national leaders, including KH Hasyim Asy'ari, in every policy making.

Hilmar reminded a number of activities that have been carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture in memory of KH Hasyim Asy'ari's services.

"The Indonesian Islamic Museum Hasyim Asy'ari in Jombang was founded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. In fact, in the framework of 109 years of National Awakening, the Ministry of Education and Culture published the book KH Hasyim Asy'ari: A Kyai's Service for the Country," Hilmar said in his statement uploaded on the Ministry of Education and Culture's website, Tuesday. April 20.

The Ministry of Education and Culture has stated that the draft circulating in the form of softcopy is not official. Kemendikbud also stated that the draft was not from them.

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