KALIMANTAN - The ranks of the South Kalimantan (South Kalimantan) Tabalong Police managed to arrest a housewife with the initials GL (23) for carrying methamphetamine-type drugs. GL is listed as a resident in Landasan Ulin District, Banjarbaru City.

Kapolres Tabalong AKBP M Muchdori said that from the suspect the police managed to secure 28.29 grams of crystal methamphetamine. "When questioned by officers, the suspect GL tried to refuse and pulled his bag," said the Chief of Police, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 20.

The officers continued to carry out investigations and searches carried out by Polres Polres Tabalong. Inside the GL bag, a white plastic bag was found containing six clip plastic bags filled with crystal methamphetamine.

"Joint officers from the Tabalong Police have succeeded in confiscating the evidence of one white plastic containing six plastic clips containing crystal methamphetamine with a total weight of 28.29 grams," he said.

The police also succeeded in confiscating other evidence, in the form of two digital scales of various colors, a black jar containing four packs of plastic clips.

Two black plastic sheets, two cellphones of various brands, one black backpack and Rp1 million in cash were suspected to have been the proceeds from the sale of the narcotic type of crystal methamphetamine.

"The suspect admitted that he got the methamphetamine from his MA partner who is domiciled in the city of Banjarmasin," said Muchdori. Currently, GL and evidence have been brought to the Tabalong Police for further investigation.

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