JAKARTA - Member of Commission II DPR RI Mohammad Toha suggested that the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) be separated from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) in the revision of the Election Law.
The reason is, so far the DKPP has been under the Ministry of Home Affairs so that independence is questioned. In fact, as an institution that handles election management cases, according to Toha, DKPP should be independent and independent.
"I doubt the independence of the DKPP in carrying out the judicial duties of the code of ethics for the KPU and Bawaslu ranks, it is easy for the Ministry of Home Affairs to intervene in the DKPP decision. This is not healthy, DKPP must be expelled from the Ministry of Home Affairs," said Toha, Tuesday, February 4.
According to the PKB legislator from the Central Java V electoral district, the law states that the DKPP together with the KPU and Bawaslu are both independent institutions.
"KPU and Bawaslu are already on the track, but for DKPP, this is wrong, it must be saved immediately, at the momentum of revising the Election Law, the institutional DKPP as an independent institution must be prioritized," said Toha.
The former Deputy Regent of Sukoharjo reminded that DKPP should not be silent on matters of improving its institutions. DKPP, he said, could conduct a Judicial Review to the Constitutional Court (MK).
"How is it possible that the enforcement agency for the code of ethics can carry out its duties properly and correctly if the status is not independent. Even with the Ministry of Home Affairs, don't keep maintaining sakwasangka," said Toha.
"I have heard a lot of public doubts, DKPP will not be independent under the Ministry of Home Affairs, although I do not fully agree, but in my opinion, removing DKPP from the Ministry of Home Affairs Satker is the most appropriate way," he continued.
Toha then highlighted the DKPP budget cuts by the Ministry of Home Affairs as a result of President Prabowo Subianto's policy through Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2025 for budget efficiency of almost all state institutions.
"It should be for DKPP in its status as a semi-trial institution, cutting it up to 75 percent or from Rp 86 billion to Rp 30 billion it is not reasonable. I did not find the rationalization," said Toha.
In his report, continued Toha, DKPP stated that the institution experienced many obstacles in carrying out trials, many cases piled up and were not resolved on time due to limited budget reasons. Toha also regretted the report.
"The judiciary cannot delay the case, there must be certainty, DKPP also cannot selectively choose the case," said Toha.
On the other hand, Toha appreciated several DKPP decisions regarding the dismissal of the election which was proven to have violated the law. However, Toha still reminded DKPP to maintain independence in every decision.
"Remember, we also heard the source of information about the DKPP decision, we do not hesitate to process it if it is not true," he concluded.
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