BIMA - Two villages in Wera District, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) were isolated due to flash floods, Sunday.

"The two villages are Woro and Nanga Wera Villages. This flood has resulted in the access of these two villages being closed," said Head of the Bima Regency BPBD Equipment and Emergency Division Nurul Huda when confirmed by ANTARA, Sunday, February 2 evening.

It is said that the flood also caused nine people to disappear (six people from Nanga Wera Village and three people from Wora Village).

"They include one elderly person, two young mothers and three children, and a mother," said Huda.

In addition, electricity and internet networks were cut off, then four houses and three kiosks were washed away. "The information is that dozens of hand tractors were also carried away by the flood. There are not yet tens of hectares of rice fields and rice plants that have just been planted a few days ago," he said.

This flood current, said Huda, has also swept away a workshop. Heavy rain is still happening. It is feared that the flood will expand.

"This happened not only in Wera District, but also in Ambalawi District, which is a close neighbor. We are afraid that there will be further flooding and it will expand," he said.

Previously, a video circulated on social media Facebook and WhatsApp of flash floods occurred in Nanga Wera Village, Wera District, Bima Regency. The flood then overflowed onto the village's main bridge, and loaded debris of wood and buildings.

There was also a building in the form of a wooden house and a workshop that was carried away by the very swift current.

On the other hand, there were shouts and conversations of local residents who said that several people and houses were carried away by the flood disaster.

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