JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the Corruption Eradication Corps (Kortastipidkor) of the National Police are both investigating corruption cases at the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI).

However, Spokesperson for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Tessa Mahardika ensured that the debtors who were dragged into the LPEI corruption case in their investigators were different from those handled by the Police. Thus, the handling of cases does not conflict.

"The debtors did not collide," Tessa told reporters, Sunday, February 2.

Tessa admitted that there was no special communication with the National Police regarding the investigation of the LPEI corruption case. There is also no plan to transfer the case to the KPK.

"Nothing. Because the debtor is not the same," said Tessa.

Previously reported, the KPK is investigating allegations of corruption related to the provision of credit facilities from the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI). Confiscation of money, jewelry, and cars has been carried out after investigators searched a number of places.

Meanwhile, Kortastipidkor Polri conducted an investigation related to alleged corruption in financing PT Duta Sarana Tehnology (PT DST) and PT Maxima Inti Finance (PT MIF) by LPEI.

This corruption case in the provision of credit facilities resulted in state financial losses from 2012 to 2016. There are also allegations of money laundering from criminal acts of corruption.

Wakakorastipikor Polri Brigadier General Arief Adiharsa explained, from 2012 to 2014, LPEI agreed with PT DST, resulting in financing for PT DST.

"The process of providing financing deviates from the applicable credit administration guidelines/procedures at LPEI, as a result, fictitious work is approved by credit termination," said Arief in his statement.

So far, investigators from the Dittipidkor Bareskrim Polri have examined 27 witnesses consisting of LPEI, debtors, lessee, bowheer and other related parties in providing financing to PT DST and PT MIF.

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