JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Corps (Kortastipidkor) of the National Police conducted an investigation related to alleged corruption in financing to PT Duta Sarana Technology (PT DST) and PT Maxima Inti Finance (PT MIF) by the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI).

This corruption case in the provision of credit facilities resulted in state financial losses from 2012 to 2016. There are also allegations of money laundering from criminal acts of corruption.

Wakakorastipikor Polri Brigadier General Arief Adiharsa explained, from 2012 to 2014, LPEI agreed with PT DST, resulting in financing for PT DST.

"The process of providing financing deviates from the guidelines/procedures for lending that apply at LPEI, as a result, fictitious work is approved by credit termination," said Arief in his statement, Sunday, February 2.

The disbursement money was not used for purposes according to the application and credit decisions which resulted in bad credit of Rp45 billion and 4,125,000 US dollars.

PT DSI then tried to settle bad loans with an innovation scheme, looking for debtors who could pay off PT DST's debt. It was agreed that PT MIF would take over credit and pay off PT DST's credit by PT MIF becoming a LPEI debtor and getting partial financing for the purpose of the innovation.

"The innovation process is not in accordance with the provisions and it is as if PT DST has paid off its debt," said Arief.

Based on the innovation agreement, from 2014 to 2016, LPEI has given credit to PT MIF amounting to 47,500,000 US dollars. However, the process of providing financing deviates or acts occur against the law.

Until finally, PT MI went bankrupt and was unable to pay off its debt to LPEI amounting to 43,617,739.13 US dollars which became a state loss.

So far, investigators from the Dittipidkor Bareskrim Polri have examined 27 witnesses consisting of LPEI, debtors, lessee, bowheer and other related parties in providing financing to PT DST and PT MIF.

"Investigators have conducted a case title of the Directorate of Tipidkor, Bareskrim Polri, with the conclusion that an alleged corruption case has been found in the provision of financing to PT DST and PT MIF by LPEI which allegedly resulted in state financial losses from 2012 to 2016 and alleged money laundering crimes originating from the corruption crime," he added.

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