JAKARTA - A seller of a company with the initials EL is suspected of being a victim of abuse by his subordinates in the Cengkareng Barat area, Cengkareng, West Jakarta (Jakbar), Friday, January 31, at 12.15 WIB.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi, explained that the incident began when the victim and other employees held a joint meeting. Then at that time, the victim was removed for dismissal, because he did not meet the target as a salesperson.

Worse yet, the victim was asked to pay off the debt previously borrowed from the company. However, the victim, who objected, asked for relief from his superiors.

"Because the victim objected, the victim asked K for relief as his superior," said Ade Ary in his statement, Sunday, February 2.

During the request for relief, it turned out that it sparked the anger of other employees with the initials SP. Then there was an argument until the victim experienced an act of violence.

Not only that, there were friends of the perpetrators who also encouraged the victim when EL wanted to leave the room.

"(The perpetrator) strangled the victim's neck who was sitting at that time. The perpetrator's friend immediately pushed the victim's face and when the victim stood up to want to come out, SP (the perpetrator) immediately strangled and slammed the victim and fell to the floor, then pressed the chest and pressed the victim's arm," he said.

Due to the incident, the victim suffered an injury to his right hand. Then the victim decided to make a police report at the Cengkareng Police.

"Currently the case is being handled by the Cengkareng Sector," he concluded.

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