JAKARTA - City planning expert from Trisakti University, Nirwono Joga encourages the DKI Provincial Government to start developing piped water services that can be drunk directly from the tap.

According to Nirwono, Perumda PAM Jaya, the BUMD assigned by the DKI Provincial Government to provide piped water services must imitate the world's big cities in the development of ready-to-drink water.

"It is necessary to start developing water services ready to drink directly from taps such as Singapore, Melbourne, Sydney and Tokyo as a form of service for the community," Nirwono told reporters, Sunday, February 2.

In fact, the water produced from the PAM Jaya water treatment plant (IPA) can be drunk immediately. Unfortunately, the clean water distribution pipes in Jakarta have been consumed by age.

This resulted in the drinking ready-to-drink water flowed through the tens and even one hundred-year-old pipe that customers at home could not drink.

On the one hand, Nirwono is optimistic that the regional company can realize the dream of drinking ready-to-drink water in Jakarta. Moreover, improving services to PAM water customers is a demand after the increase in water rates since January 2025.

"The increase in tariffs must be able to encourage increased quality-quantity services and continuity of adequate and usable clean water availability," said Nirwono.

According to him, the increase in PAM Jaya rates also needs to be accompanied by appropriate socialization to the public. The hope is that the information provided can be clear and understood so that there is no rejection.

The socialization in question, for example, residents of apartments and condominiums are still subject to K3 (commerce) rates, not K2 (households). Usually, residents of these units have a capable economic background.

"For apartment residents, they are still subject to a K3 tariff so they can submit K1 (social) and K2," said Nirwono.

In addition, Nirwono also asked PAM Jaya to accelerate the development of piping, so that the target of 100 percent of services can be achieved by 2030. Then a network of industrial, commercial, office, shopping centers and all households in Jakarta are needed.

"It is better if the construction of pipes is prioritized for the northern part of the Jakarta area so that it can be served 100 percent, followed by the termination of groundwater pumping which can cause land subsidence," he added.

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