JAKARTA - The Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Service Center (BP3MI) of Riau Province identified four regions in Riau suspected of being illegal or non-procedural shipping points for Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) to Malaysia.

Head of BP3MI Riau Fanny Wahyu said the area was in Medang Kampai in Dumai City, Rupat in Bengkalis Regency, Bagan Readyi-api in Rokan Hilir and the coast of Indragiri Hilir.

"We have traced and searched several areas on the Riau peninsula adjacent to Malaysia. These areas are often used as locations for illegally sending PMIs," he said in Pekanbaru, Riau, Sunday, February 2, which was confiscated by Antara.

To reduce the number of illegal PMI shipments, according to him, BP3MI Riau has coordinated with the National Police, TNI, Immigration, and the local government. Including the community in identifying illegal PMI shelters.

He said the number of illegal PMIs deported from Malaysia showed an unofficial departure rate. Many who depart only with tourist passports, even though to work abroad, certain documents and preparations are needed.

He also appealed to the public not to be tempted by offers from individuals who promised a quick departure process without going through official procedures. "If you follow government regulations, protection for migrant workers can be guaranteed 100 percent," said Fanny.

This is a lesson after the incident on January 24, at around 03.00 am local time, officers from the Malaysian Maritime Strengthening Agency (APMM) shot a ship in the waters of Tanjung Rhu, Selangor, Malaysia. One Indonesian citizen died on behalf of Basri from Riau.

Meanwhile, the four Indonesian citizens who were injured have received medical treatment at the hospital and are now in stable condition. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Kuala Lumpur ensured that they would continue to monitor the development of the case and provide consular and legal assistance.

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