TANGERANG The lawyer for Kohod Village, Henri, revealed that the village head (Kades) of Kohod, Arsin, used the names of other people for ownership of several of his luxury cars, including Jeep Rubicon, Honda Civic Turbo, and two units of Honda CR-V.

"There are several vehicles on behalf of the person concerned and his family. However, for Rubicon, on behalf of other people, even though they are used as daily operational vehicles," Henri said when confirmed, Sunday, February 2.

Henri said that currently several luxury cars belonging to Arsin had disappeared, with only the Honda Civic Turbo remaining at his home. He suspects that the Kohod village head fled with the Rubicon car after his name became a public spotlight, including in the Indonesian House of Representatives.

"Currently only Civic Turbo is parked white and one unit of Avanza is with an official plate. We suspect that Arsin's brother is hiding," he said.

Not only vehicles, Henri also revealed that Arsin owns four houses in Tangerang Regency. His wealth, according to Henri, was obtained after serving as village head.

"Before taking office, Arsin was just a mobile bank, residents called him a moneylender. Not rich before taking office, but after that suddenly had a lot of assets. He was also a land broker," he said.

For information, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has issued KPK Regulation Number 2 of 2020 which requires state officials, including village heads, to report their assets through the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN). This obligation has come into effect for village heads since January 2024.

This rule was made in response to the high number of corruption involving village funds. Based on data from the Indonesian KPK, from 2012 to 2021 there were 601 cases of corruption in village funds, with 686 village heads being dragged into various cases of budget abuse.

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