JAKARTA - The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri is scheduled to have a special meeting with Pope Francis at the World Leaders Summit on Children's Rights at the Vatican.

"The meeting plan has been finalized by the Vatican Holy Throne protocol," said MPR RI member Ahmad Basarah in a statement received in Jakarta, Sunday, February 2, confiscated by Antara.

Basarah continued, Megawati then had the opportunity to meet with Egypt's Al Azhar High Priest Ahmed El-Tayeb in a joint panel.

Both figures are influential in the world. The committee is still waiting for confirmation of the presence of the High Priest," he said.

Apart from them, he continued, another panelist was Queen Rania al-Abdullah of Jordan, Italian Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani, Gambia Foreign Minister Mamadou Tangara.

Meanwhile, he explained that Megawati's agenda this Sunday was to have a relaxed dialogue with her entourage, including her children, namely M. Rizki Pratama and the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani.

Furthermore, on Monday January 3, Megawati is scheduled to speak at the forum to convey a message of concern for humanity and is associated with children's rights today.

"The view of Mrs. Megawati and the various panelists present is certainly important to show partiality to children's rights," he said.

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