JAKARTA - Minister of Law (Menkum) Supratman Andi Agtas believes the documents needed to extradite Paulus Tannos will soon be completed. Coordination related to the process of repatriating fugitives in corruption cases in the procurement of electronic identity cards (e-KTP) continues.

"Paul Tannos is still coordinating between all law enforcement officers. I believe and believe next week that the documents will most likely be completed," Supratman said at the Parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Saturday, February 1.

After completion, the document will be submitted to the Singaporean authorities. Supratman believes the process will be completed on time, which is 45 days after the arrest and temporary detention of Paulus Tannos.

"As soon as it is finished, then we send (the required documents, ed) to the authorities in Singapore," he said.

Previously reported, Paulus Tannos, who is the President Director of PT Sandipala Arthapura, was finally arrested by Singaporean authorities after being on the wanted list since 2021. He was named a suspect in the corruption case in the procurement of electronic identity cards (e-KTP) by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in 2019.

At that time he was named by the KPK as a suspect along with three other people, namely Isnu Edhi Wijaya as the former President Director of the Indonesian State Printing Corporation (PNRI); 2014-2019 DPR RI member Miryam S Haryani; and former Head of the Information Technology Technical Team for the Application of e-KTP Husni Fahmi.

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