SEMARANG - Semarang City Police, Central Java, processed the crime and code of ethics of two of its members on suspicion of extorting civilians.

"An investigation is being carried out by the Propam Section of the Semarang Polrestabes," said Semarang Police Chief Commissioner M. Syahduddi in Semarang, Saturday.

He confirmed the criminal charges committed by three people consisting of two police officers and a civilian.

However, the Chief of Police has not disclosed the identities of the two police officers involved in the extortion.

Against the two police officers, he said that special placements had been carried out or detained for the next 21 days.

Regarding the alleged extortion case, the Head of the Polrestabes said that the case had been handled by the Semarang Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

Syahduddi emphasized that he would not tolerate any form of irregularities or violations committed by members of the National Police.

"If proven, strict and complete action will be taken," he added.

Meanwhile, the alleged extortion case committed by two police officers and a civilian was revealed after a video circulated on social media.

In the video, the alleged extortion incident occurred around Hasanudin Street, Semarang City, on Friday (31/1) night.

In the video, it is known that residents are crowding a red car after a woman screams for help.

Residents who were crowding the car asked the passengers inside to get out and it turned out that they claimed to be members of the police while showing a membership card.

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