PALU - Central Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda) said that the perpetrators of investment trading fraud that were arrested on Friday (17/1) made a profit of 1,346,440 Ringgit Malaysia (RM) or Rp4.9 billion while operating.

"During operating, the perpetrators are suspected of having earned around 1,346,440 Ringgit Malaysian income, if converted to rupiah, it is around Rp. 4.9 billion," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Sulawesi Police, Kombes Djoko Wienartono, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 31.

He said the Directorate of Cyber Investigation (Ditressiber) of the Central Sulawesi Police continues to complete the investigation into the online trading fraud case involving the 21 suspects.

Based on the results of the examination and deepening of the perpetrators, he said, no victims of Indonesian citizens (WNI) have been found.

Djoko said this was in line with the initial confessions of the perpetrators, they targeted victims of Malaysian citizenship.

Previously, the Central Sulawesi Police Ditressiber team arrested a fraud syndicate with modustrading investment on Friday (17/1) afternoon on Jalan Dr. Suharso, Palu.

He said the perpetrators when they were detained were carrying out investment fraud activities using cell phones. Meanwhile, the police confiscated 37 cell phones as evidence.

"The results of the investigation also found another perpetrator, with the initials R who is also a resident of South Sulawesi," he said.

He said R's status is still being sought by people (DPO), which plays a role in facilitating by preparing a place and procuring cellphones.

Meanwhile, he said, other developments estimated that there were nine victims based on instructions from the victim's account number on the perpetrators' cellphones and all of them were foreign bank accounts.

Meanwhile, for the two perpetrators of minors or children who are in conflict with the law (ABH), Djoko said that assistance had been made from the Palu Correctional Center (Bapas).

"Two ABHs are being researched by Fathers and we are still waiting for the results," he said.

He said investigators also planned to send 37 units of the perpetrator's cellphone to the forensic laboratory for digital forensic examination.

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